How Can We Help Your Business?
Butte Local Development Corporation can help your business in multiple ways. We can assist you with:
Assistance with business relocation or expansion and site selection
We can put together a list of available properties and offer insight into location selection​
Local & State incentive programs and information
Assistance with understanding local districts and state incentives.​
Market research
Through Headwaters RC&D Small Business Development Center​
Access to capital & funding
Numerous loan funds available through our loan department.
Gap Financing and Bank Partnerships.
Workforce needs
Marketing & recruitment materials for attracting employees, etc.​
Connecting you with Highlands College or Accelerate Montana to develop a workforce training program
Housing needs
Headwaters RC&D offers homebuyer education programming​
We can connect you with Butte-Silver Bow's Housing Coordinator
​Low Cost Grant Writing Services and Grant Identification Assistance, and remove grants from under access to capital and funding